
What We Do

Writing, Partnerships, Travel PR

We are travel writing professionals with almost 40 years experience in helping brands reach the perfect audience. We've worked in print (newspapers & magazines), and we've managed websites, marketing, blog and social media content from idea conception to final products to provide brand exposure for our clients.

  • We write engaging blogs about our experiences that are shared with our followers and their friends.
  • We inspire our Brews Traveling friends through stunning photography that can be shared to posts. 
  •  We regularly share news through our email newsletter to keep our loyal followers updated.

Let's Work Together

Writing & Editing

Do you like our style and tone? You can hire us to write your content. From long feature articles, to blog posts, press releases, white papers, listicles and ad copy, we're experienced in sharing your message through well-written content. Ask us for rates and availability.

FAM Trips & Exposure

We have proven experience working with destinations to share brand messaging. Our content offers exposure to our followers in this unique niche that talks about traveling women who want to know about brews, food and fun in interesting places. With social sharing of images and video during the trip and featured blog articles afterward, we provide top-notch, professional exposure. Add us to your media list or email us to see how we can work together.

Product & Service Reviews

We often receive inquiries about reviewing products or services. We also reach out about products we'd like to share with our followers. Our reviews are based on our opinions and may include both positive and negative reviews based on our opinion and use, regardless of compensation or relationships with requesting review parties. Ask us how we can review your products.


We're up for partnering with you! What do you have in mind? We'll be selective on advertising placement and would love to partner if we are a good fit. We're also open to collaborating on content and sharing our knowledge with others. Let's chat about all the possibilities.

Connect With Brews Traveling Women to See All We Can Do together!

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